Tackling Kids’ Motion Sickness on School Trips: Your Guide for a Smooth Ride

Everything parents and teachers need to know about motion sickness in children.

School trips are meant to be fun, educational, and memorable. However, for some school-age children, the mere thought of getting on a bus can stir up feelings of dread and anxiety—thanks to motion sickness. But fear not! With the right strategies and planning, we can make those bumpy bus rides a breeze for everyone involved. This guide will provide practical tips and tricks to help manage and prevent motion sickness in children during land trips, ensuring every school excursion is a delightful experience. And remember, partnering with StudentSafe AU is the best way for independent Australian schools to optimise their student transport operations and child safety systems!

Understanding Motion Sickness in Children

Motion sickness occurs when there’s a disconnect between what the eyes see and what the inner ear (which helps control balance) senses. This mismatch of signals to the brain can lead to feelings of dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting. Children between the ages of 5 and 12 are particularly susceptible to motion sickness, making it a common concern during school trips. Knowing the symptoms and how to prevent them can create a smooth and enjoyable journey for everyone.

Top Tips for Managing Motion Sickness on School Trips

  • Pick the Right Seat

      • Encourage children prone to motion sickness to sit near the front of the bus, where the ride is generally smoother and a clear view out of the front window. This can help synchronise the visual and vestibular signals in the brain, reducing the chances of feeling queasy.
  • Encourage Looking at the Horizon

      • Focusing on a fixed point in the distance, like the horizon, can help stabilise the sensory inputs. Avoid reading books, playing video games, or using electronic devices, as these activities can worsen the symptoms of motion sickness.
  • Keep Fresh Air Flowing

      • Make sure there’s a good flow of fresh air inside the bus. Crack open a window if possible, or ensure the ventilation system is set to circulate fresh air. Fresh air helps alleviate nausea and makes the journey more comfortable.
  • Avoid Heavy Meals Before the Trip

      • Eating light snacks instead of a heavy meal before the trip can reduce the risk of motion sickness. Opt for dry foods like crackers, plain bread, or pretzels, which can help settle the stomach without causing discomfort. Avoid greasy or spicy foods that might exacerbate nausea.
  • Stay Hydrated

      • Keep the children hydrated with small sips of water throughout the trip. Avoid carbonated or caffeinated beverages, which can upset the stomach. A good kids’ motion sickness remedy is to carry ginger ale or peppermint tea, which can help soothe the stomach.
  • Use Motion Sickness Remedies

      • Over-the-counter medications like antihistamines can be effective, but they should be used with caution and only under the guidance of a parent or guardian. Natural remedies such as ginger or acupressure wristbands are also popular choices for safe and effective kids’ motion sickness remedies.
  • Distract and Entertain

      • Sometimes, a good distraction can work wonders. Engage the children with games, songs, or stories that don’t involve looking down or reading. Talking, listening to music, or playing verbal games can help divert attention away from any queasy feelings.
  • Plan for Regular Breaks

    • On longer trips, it’s crucial to plan regular breaks to give children a chance to get some fresh air and move around. A short walk or stretch can help reset their equilibrium and prevent the onset of motion sickness.
kid getting motion sickness on a bus, motion sickness in kids, August 2024, Australia

Choose StudentSafe AU for School Transport

When managing school trips, having a reliable and safe transport partner is key. StudentSafe AU is dedicated to providing the best possible transport solutions for independent Australian schools. Not only do they optimise school transportation, but they also prioritise child safety systems, ensuring every trip is as safe and comfortable as possible. With a well-maintained fleet and drivers trained in child safety protocols, StudentSafe AU understands the unique needs of school-age children and is the perfect partner to help manage kids’ motion sickness on school trips.

  • Professional Drivers Trained in Child Safety: Every driver at StudentSafe AU is trained to handle children with care and professionalism, ensuring a positive experience on every trip.
  • Modern, Well-Ventilated Buses: The fleet is equipped with the latest amenities to ensure fresh air circulation and comfort, which is crucial for reducing the likelihood of motion sickness.
  • Customised Solutions for Every School: Whether you need a short trip across town or a longer journey for a special event, StudentSafe AU provides tailored transport solutions to meet your school’s specific needs.

The Benefits of Choosing StudentSafe AU

By choosing StudentSafe AU, schools can rest easy knowing they are partnering with a transport provider that genuinely understands the importance of child comfort and safety. Their commitment to quality service and child-friendly solutions, including strategies to manage kids’ motion sickness, makes them the ideal choice for schools looking to make every journey smooth.


Dealing with motion sickness, especially among school-age children, can be daunting, but with the right preparation and partner, it doesn’t have to be. From picking the right seats and keeping fresh air flowing to choosing the right kids’ motion sickness remedy, these strategies will help make every school trip a pleasant adventure. With StudentSafe AU as your bus hire for education partner, independent Australian schools can ensure their students travel safely and comfortably every time.

So, the next time you plan a school trip, remember these tips to tackle kids’ motion sickness and ensure a smooth ride for all. And don’t forget, StudentSafe AU has got you covered for all your school transport needs—because every child deserves a safe and enjoyable journey!